Discovering Kids Aspergers Symptoms
Aspergers Syndrome children often focus on only one or two interests almost obsessively. This child probably reads books on the subject and show little interest in discussing other topics. These fascinations seem strange to others, sports statistics, weather reports, or a particular animal. While this can seem eccentric, it can be turned into an advantage later in life if a career can be based on one of these interests. Many professors, programmers and scientists are Aspergers patients. Being preoccupied with an interest is another common symptom.
Children tend to role play and engage in imaginative play but a child with Asperger’s will not. Most kids naturally enjoy pretending they are someone else, dressing up in costumes or playing games that involve playing various roles, but kids with Aspergers have trouble understanding this kind of play. This can add to the difficulties such children have in relating to others, especially children their own age. Because they don’t enjoy the games popular to other kids, a child with Asperger’s may appear dull or even unfriendly. Because these children are wired differently, you need to recognize the symptoms and not expect them to act like everyone else because they do have their own interests.
The movements, expressions and posture of children with Aspergers are all likely to be atypical, though the specifics will vary from one child to another. They may make unexplained motions that are disconcerting to other people. They may have their own particular habits, such as walking in a particular way or making certain faces.
People not familiar with the symptoms of Aspergers, may find their body language or facial expressions hard to figure out. Children with Aspergers often don’t like to make eye contact, and may not smile much. These can be symptoms of all types of autism, but in the case of Aspergers, the child is able to function in everyday situations, while with more severe types of autism this isn’t the case.
The number of symptoms for Asperger’s means that each child will present different ones. The varied symptoms will dictate the what treatment is used as will the preference of the parents. The above symptoms may be present in other conditions as well, so if you aren’t sure if your child has Aspergers or not, you should have him or her looked at by someone qualified to determine this.