The Pawo/Plmax rate decreased, along with the PTI, principally due to an increase in Pimax
Oxygenation was improved without an increase in Paco2 by supplemental oxygen administration. This finding is important because respiratory acidosis has been shown to be associated with reduced diaphragmatic contractility and endurance. Knowing the causal association between episodes of nocturnal hypoxia and an increase in the pulmonary arterial pressure, the fact that we achieved an optimal nocturnal oxygenation in our patients without an increase in the Paco2 represents a significant prognostic improvement Viagra Canada.
The improvements in Pa02 and in Pa02/Fl02 ratio, which are consistent with those in other studies, and the changes in clinical outcomes, dyspnea, hypersomnolence, and morning headaches were significantly related to the Pa02/Fl02 ratio before treatment but not with the Paco2 level. The better oxygenation may be due to alveolar recruitment and the decrease in the number of nocturnal desaturations. In addition, both mechanisms lead to a reduction in symptoms of chronic hypoventilation. The Paco2 value decreased, but the change was not significant. This result suggests that the degree of hypercapnia did not seem to be a factor in the etiology of the symptoms before treatment Viagra online.
The significant increases in Pimax (23%) and PEmax (16%), and the decrease in Pawo with a slight increase in the mean inspiratory flow suggest improvements in respiratory muscle strength. The Pawo/Plmax rate decreased, along with the PTI, principally due to an increase in Pimax. The changes in PTI measured at the mouth adequately reflect the tension-time index and the root mean square of diaphragmatic electromyography during CO2 stimu-lation, and the index provides important information regarding mechanical load and functional reserve of the respiratory muscles. The resting of the respiratory muscles with nocturnal ventilation has been demonstrated in reports such as that of Carrey et al, who showed a reduction in the electromyographic activity of the diaphragm. However, an increase of respiratory muscle pressure was not shown in all studies. The respiratory muscle pressure improved in our series by 32% for Pimax and by 16% for PEmax. Goldstein et al, in a previous study in restrictive patients who were treated with NIPPV showed that the improvements in nocturnal and daytime oxygenation were related to better respiratory muscle condition.